ENSURE YOU BUY GENUINE RØDE PRODUCTS! Products from sellers which say ‘fulfilled by Amazon’ under the price are NOT authorized resellers, and may not be selling genuine product.
Buy only from Amazon.com (labelled ‘shipped and sold by Amazon.com’)
A premium valve condenser microphone designed to provide incredible detail and warmth in the studio
The electronic circuitry complementing this very sensitive transducer includes a hand-selected twin-triode 6922 valve and audiophile grade components
The rich valve sound is ideal for vocals, acoustic instruments, drum overheads, guitar amps and pianos
ENSURE YOU BUY GENUINE RØDE PRODUCTS! Products from sellers which say ‘fulfilled by Amazon’ under the price are NOT authorized resellers, and may not be selling genuine product.
Buy only from Amazon.com (labelled ‘shipped and sold by Amazon.com’)
A premium valve condenser microphone designed to provide incredible detail and warmth in the studio
The electronic circuitry complementing this very sensitive transducer includes a hand-selected twin-triode 6922 valve and audiophile grade components
The rich valve sound is ideal for vocals, acoustic instruments, drum overheads, guitar amps and pianos
ENSURE YOU BUY GENUINE RØDE PRODUCTS! Products from sellers which say ‘fulfilled by Amazon’ under the price are NOT authorized resellers, and may not be selling genuine product.
Buy only from Amazon.com (labelled ‘shipped and sold by Amazon.com’)
A premium valve condenser microphone designed to provide incredible detail and warmth in the studio
The electronic circuitry complementing this very sensitive transducer includes a hand-selected twin-triode 6922 valve and audiophile grade components
The rich valve sound is ideal for vocals, acoustic instruments, drum overheads, guitar amps and pianos
ENSURE YOU BUY GENUINE RØDE PRODUCTS! Products from sellers which say ‘fulfilled by Amazon’ under the price are NOT authorized resellers, and may not be selling genuine product.
Buy only from Amazon.com (labelled ‘shipped and sold by Amazon.com’)
A premium valve condenser microphone designed to provide incredible detail and warmth in the studio
The electronic circuitry complementing this very sensitive transducer includes a hand-selected twin-triode 6922 valve and audiophile grade components
The rich valve sound is ideal for vocals, acoustic instruments, drum overheads, guitar amps and pianos
တစ်နိုင်ငံလုံးပို့ဆောင်ခအသက်သာဆုံးနှင့် အရွယ်အစား (၂ပေပတ်လည်အောက်)ပစ္စည်းများ ပစ္စည်းရောက်ငွေချေနိုင်သော(CODစနစ်) ဖြင့် 3 ရက်မှ 10 ရက်အတွင်း သင့်အိမ်ရှေ့အရောက် မှာယူတဲ့ပစ္စည်းလေး ရောက်ရှိလာပါမယ်။
ပစၥည္းအမွားအယြင္းတစံုတရာ ရွိပါက ပစၥည္းေရာက္ရွိၿပီး တရက္အတြင္း အေၾကာင္းၾကား၍ ပစၥည္းျပန္လည္ပို႔ေဆာင္ေပးလွ်င္ အသစ္ျပန္လဲ ေပးမွာျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ ( ပစၥည္းအသစ္အေနအထား ယိုယြင္းပ်က္စီးေနပါက လဲလွယ္ေပးမည္ မဟုတ္ပါ ) ေငြျပန္အမ္းျခင္းသီးခံပါ။