Product description
The Green Castle is a six-person tent made of high-quality materials and offers two opposite sleeping cabins and a central living area. The access to the tent is mainly through the side entrance, but a sleeping cabin also offers a back entrance. Removing the inner tent can create additional living or storage space if required. The inner tents can also be rolled back to form a larger communal area. The tent is the perfect choice for faimiles or groups on outdoor adventures.
- Ideal for families or groups
-Flame-retardant and waterproof thanks to HydroTex HD awning material.
-Mosquito net.
Robens Green Castle Tent, Green, One Size
Product description
The Green Castle is a six-person tent made of high-quality materials and offers two opposite sleeping cabins and a central living area. The access to the tent is mainly through the side entrance, but a sleeping cabin also offers a back entrance. Removing the inner tent can create additional living or storage space if required. The inner tents can also be rolled back to form a larger communal area. The tent is the perfect choice for faimiles or groups on outdoor adventures.
- Ideal for families or groups
-Flame-retardant and waterproof thanks to HydroTex HD awning material.
-Mosquito net.
Robens Green Castle Tent, Green, One Size
တစ်နိုင်ငံလုံးပို့ဆောင်ခအသက်သာဆုံးနှင့် အရွယ်အစား (၂ပေပတ်လည်အောက်)ပစ္စည်းများ ပစ္စည်းရောက်ငွေချေနိုင်သော(CODစနစ်) ဖြင့် 3 ရက်မှ 10 ရက်အတွင်း သင့်အိမ်ရှေ့အရောက် မှာယူတဲ့ပစ္စည်းလေး ရောက်ရှိလာပါမယ်။
ပစၥည္းအမွားအယြင္းတစံုတရာ ရွိပါက ပစၥည္းေရာက္ရွိၿပီး တရက္အတြင္း အေၾကာင္းၾကား၍ ပစၥည္းျပန္လည္ပို႔ေဆာင္ေပးလွ်င္ အသစ္ျပန္လဲ ေပးမွာျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ ( ပစၥည္းအသစ္အေနအထား ယိုယြင္းပ်က္စီးေနပါက လဲလွယ္ေပးမည္ မဟုတ္ပါ ) ေငြျပန္အမ္းျခင္းသီးခံပါ။